Week #5

Progress 60% Completed

As we move towards deadline, we reviewed the project before Pit Stop session. As we reported last week, this week development is focused on game programmers. Game programmers report that level 1 is said to be completed or at least 90% and final level is on 70%. Some significant progress on the final level is the level already seem completed. But, Aryan reports that the level seem difficult if we only give player 3 health. That is because there are many obstacle moving towards the main character. We then agree to reduce the enemy's firing rate to make the level easier. As the final level is almost complete, Aryan move to level 2. We can already see some significant progress on level 2 with some adjustment to put the cherry on the top. Also, not to forget mentioning game artist another jobdesk to create 3 cutscenes as designed by Game Designer. That 3 cut scene divided into 2 sections, 2 scenes before the game start and 1 after the game completed. The first 2 scenes tell the background story of the game storyline, the rootcause of the Yamato Hotel incident. That is the action of Dutch raising their national flag on top of the Yamato Hotel and triggered anger of the people of Surabaya. And the last cutscene showing Koesno Wibowo waving Indonesian flag after remove the blue part of the Dutch flag.

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