Week #1

First week of development

We discussed the basic concept: what game are we gonna develop? what is the genre? how is the mechanic? We came up with some ideas. First idea, a casual-puzzle game based on Indonesian traditional dress. In this game, players have to put the each part of the dress with each other match.  For example, player given 3 different guys on screen: East Javanese, South Bornean, and Acehnese. Player should put each part of the East Javanese dress to the East Javanese guy and so with the South Bornean guy and Acehnese guy. And because the dress is different between male and female, the level may vary according to the difficulties to differentiate between each province's traditional dress. For example, West and Central Borneo traditional dress is quite similar with each other. Second idea, a game about Indonesian traditional foods. Players will have to match one ingredient with another to make a perfect dish. The mechanic would be similar to tetris, but we will change the colored blocks with food ingredient.  Third idea, combining those 2 games into a single game quite similar to purble place with another one additional mini game. Last idea, a platformer game from Indonesian story, could be mythical story or historical events. After some discussion on Discord, We agreed on the last idea for some reason: easier to develop because the mechanic is familiar for the programmers and designer. Next problem, what story we want to adapt? After some discussion, we came up with 2 ideas: Jaka tarub or The Incident of Yamato Hotel. After some consideration and rough design, we agreed to choose The Incindent of Yamato Hotel. Then we discuss our jobdesk for the next week development. Game Designer: story research, early concept game design, and Game Design Document creation. Game artist: character design moodboard, background art moodboard, and early sketch of character and background art. Game programmer: early concept of game codes using dummy character. 

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